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Beispielaufgaben "Writing"

Ab dem Abitur 2024 gibt es eine Auswahlmöglichkeit bei Aufgabe 3. Aktuell gibt es dazu keine Beispielaufgaben aus Niedersachsen. Hier einige Hinweise dazu.

Aufgabenvorschlag 1 - 2022

1. Outline the autobiographical information given by Joseph Azam. (30 %)

2. Examine the significance the author’s names have for him. (30 %)

3. You are taking part in a workshop titled “Displacement and Identity in Literature.”

You have to hand in an article about the struggles of integration, discussing the statement “It is not easy to be stranded between two worlds, the sad truth is that we can never be completely comfortable in either world” by the novelist Sharon Kay Penman.

Write the article, also referring to the text at hand and materials studied in class, such as the short stories by Lahiri, Levy, Pandit, and Shahraz. (40 %)

Aufgabenvorschlag 2 - 2022

1. Outline why Sansa Stark is a strong character according to the author. (30 %)

2. Compare Sansa Stark with female characters in Richard III, as depicted in Shakespeare’s play and Loncraine’s movie. (30 %)

3. You are planning to take part in an international summer school course called “Why Bother with Fiction?”

As part of your application, you have to hand in an essay in which you assess the role fictional characters play for young people today.

Write the essay, also referring to the text at hand and materials studied in class, such as Richard III. (40 %)

Aufgabenvorschlag 3 -2022

1. Sum up the excerpt. (30 %)

2. Compare the scientist Capaldi with Victor Frankenstein from Mary Shelley’s novel. (30 %)

3. As a contribution to its monthly topic “Science Meets Literature,” your online book club has asked its members to contribute a blog entry, commenting on the following statement by software programmer Justin Rosenberg:

[A]s the frontiers are pushed further and further, the unintended consequences of how science and technology are used could affect who we are as humans, the viability of our planet, and how society evolves.

Write the blog entry, also referring to the text at hand and materials studied in class, such as Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein.