Liceo Bocchi-Galilei was honoured to host the partner schools for the second time, during the final meeting of the project. Every effort was made to make all the guests welcome, and even if the families had already hosted a partner student during the first meeting, they were pleased to host for a second time.
The programme, both for students and for teachers was very rich:
Sunday 13th:
day trip to Venice by boat, with visit to Murano and one of its glass factories (the chemistry of glass blowing),
to the island of Burano,
to St. Mark’s Square and Rialto Bridge
Monday 14th:
welcoming ceremony at school, with music and dances by other students not otherwise involved in the project;
presentation of “wooden jetty projects”, for international competition;
ice-breaking games, on scientific topics
Kahoot (online) competition on Maths
Presentation of the hosting city and treasure hunt for students
For teachers: workshop on “tablets and smartphones as class laboratories”, by Alfonso D’Ambrosio, expert in educational games, TedX speaker and winner of Global Junior Challenge in 2015
Tuesday 15th:
Chemistry and Physics experiments
Half-day trip by boat to the Po delta and Porto Caleri Botanical Garden (open-air Geography and Biology lessons)
Wednesday 16th:
in international groups students prepare a presentation on “How to preserve wildlife in the hosting country”, based on the trip of the day before.
Presentation of the works to the other groups
Final party with awards given to the most professional, the most environmentally friendly, the most artistic, the most creative and the most affordable wooden jetty project
Thursday 17th: visit to Adria’s national archaeological Museum, with history workshop
During the week, while students were involved in the activities prepared for them, teachers had three working sessions to discuss about the progress of the project and make final agreements.
Liceo Bocchi Galilei hopes to have the pleasure to host you all again!